STYLENANDA is a South-Korean fast fashion and beauty brand that has become extremely popular among young women and celebrities for selling unique street-style fashion. The target market includes middle-class, working women who believe in fashion as a form of personal expression. Thus, the theoretical brand extension project, My Style, has been developed to maintain the purpose of promoting feminism and self-expression through the brand’s diverse amount of products. Moreover, My Style seeks to broaden the brand's market to Western countries or countries outside of Asia.

The following content presented in a magazine layout includes research and information about Stylenanda’s origin and purpose, a SWOT analysis, brand extension introduction and purpose, and various promotional strategies for the brand extension project. The project displays ideas for My Style’s promotional campaign to allow interaction with the brand’s consumers, as well as, curating a specific product line to cater to the desired target markets. Additionally, the project goes into detail about possible developments for the brand’s print and digital advertising strategies.

I do not own all images. Credit goes to Stylenanda and sources included at the end of the project.
This theoretical brand development project was created through Mt. SAC’s Fashion Promotion course. I was able to apply principles and techniques of integrated marketing communications for apparel products while specifically focusing on marketing strategies, market and consumer reach, and branding.